Sherri Bush
Sherri Bush began her volunteer career with the Vulnerable Road Users Project when she sadly got the education no parent ever wants to receive. In February of 2013, Sherri’s 27 year old son, James Spagnoli, was killed crossing Flamingo Road, west of Durango. James and a friend were going to get a cold drink after doing volunteer yard work for Sherri and her husband, Bill Ortiz. Trying to learn to cope with her grief, Sherri wanted to become a presenter to help educate children and adults.
Through the Safe Key program, Sherri spent many hours each year talking to school children; she also participates in events we do, sits on our task force and speaks for the press and for education presentations throughout the valley. Sherri, and Bill when he is able, spend many hours working to assure no other parent has to walk in their shoes.