Next City Solutions of the Year! Presentation Links


Thank you for attending the Solutions of the Year; Anti-Racist Solutions event sponsored by Next City. As you know this Next City event was designed to challenge us to think critically about how policies and practices perpetuate institutional racism, and what it will take to knock down those harmful assumptions and forge a new paradigm.

Below you will find several links to important information delivered by one of the event awardees, Erin Breen. Erin focused on pedestrian safety and how people of color are disproportionately effected by local laws that were written to "protect" them.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to Contact Erin via our website.

Presented by Erin Breen, Director of the Road Equity Alliance Project, the attached presentation focuses on "Anti Racist Solutions: Eliminating Barriers to Economic Opportunities", delivered on December 9, 2021. Chosen as one of six Next City Solutions of the Year, Erin's focus and passion has always been on educating road users without penalizing them for their socioeconomic status in the community.

In the background of a crosswalk safety press conference Tuesday morning, a woman came inches from being hit by a semi-truck while crossing Boulder Highway at Twain Avenue, barely missing becoming our next pedestrian fatality.

Prior to nearly being hit, the pedestrian pushed the button and waited for the yellow lights to blink and proceeded, but the crosswalk lights designed for safety did not keep her safe.


This link will provide you with more in-depth data on the Respondents Citation Information Erin referred to during her presentation. The file includes how the data was broken down by language spoken, location of citations, reason for citations and mode of transportation. Also included is a tab that incudes answers to pre and post evaluation surveys required by each class attendee.

This is an interactive map of the Las Vegas Valley containing locations of PedSafe Court Class Citation Locations. The information The locations are broken down by Fatal and Incapacitating injuries. Each location is then further broken down by key Crash Data Info including type of injury, date and time, crash type, severity and road user. The data is also made available in layers that can be sorted by the user.

Every Pedestrian Safety Class is recorded and available for playback on Zoom. Take a look at a video one of our 3 hour classes that focuses on both sides of the story, pedestrians and drivers. Each class is unique as it explores how attendees react to new information on traffic safety and how everyone can work together to make getting from point A to point B safer. PedSafe also offers in-person classes where participants are further encouraged to take an active part in traffic safety.

The key message with our Dusk 2 Dawn Campaign is that 80 percent of pedestrian deaths happen from Dusk 2 Dawn, and that pedestrians and drivers must do everything they can to assure safer travel. Those walking need to make sure drivers can see them, and drivers need to understand that paying full attention while driving is essential. Few drivers or pedestrians understand that at 40 mph, you are moving 66' per second, average reaction time eats up 165' and headlights illuminate roughly 150’ in front of a vehicle. This means that many times the driver ends up hitting the pedestrian before the brakes.