Santa Clause Is Coming To Town

Santa Clause Is Coming To Town PLEASE Don't Hit Him!

Close to 100 Las Vegas High School students assembled outside Sunrise Hospital and Trauma Center Wednesday morning for the 8th Annual ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Please Don’t Hit Him’ event. Safe Kids, Clark County, UNLV’s Road Equity Alliance Project and Sunrise sponsored the event, which featured a live vehicle extrication performed by the Clark County Fire Department.

Fire fighters used giant saws, claws and other tools to demonstrate how personnel would extract a person from a vehicle involved in a collision of this type. An already damaged vehicle was windowless and roofless by the end of the demonstration, highlighting the extreme measures taken to remove a trapped driver or passenger.
Data from Metro Police show that of the 17,666 vehicle collisions responded to this year through November 18, over 5,000 of them resulted in a DUI arrest. This, of course, only counts drivers who survived their crashes.

The most recent data from 2020 showed 2,800 teenagers were killed in vehicle collisions like this across the nation. This event is designed to encourage teens to make good decisions behind the wheel and as passengers in vehicles.


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