Getting Across the Street Safely
Has Little to do With Luck
Annual Leprechaun in the Crosswalk to
Highlight Safer Travels
The annual Leprechaun in the Crosswalk took place Wednesday, March 16th beginning at 8 am at Charleston Blvd and Shetland Ave. Current numbers show Clark County ahead of 2021 pedestrian fatalities by almost 40 percent. Officers were looking for drivers who did not yield to the Leprechaun as he crosses the street but were also ticketing any pedestrian seen putting their lives in danger.
Agencies participating were LVMPD Traffic, Clark County School District Traffic and Nevada State Police Motors and Henderson Police. The location chosen is just east of February’s site, which was very active and many drivers did not understand the simple law that if a pedestrian is showing intent to legally cross the street and drivers have time to yield, that they are required to do so if the pedestrian is on their side of the road or approaching from the opposite side and is close to crossing over the centerline. The driver must also not continue their forward motion until the person walking has crossed to the opposite side of the street or finished crossing, depending on their direction of travel.
Year to date in Clark County, 18 pedestrians have been killed, including four in March, well above 2021 year to date totals. This year has rapidly become worse than 2021 was and every effort to reach road users is critical. Every category reported from total fatalities vehicle occupants, unrestrained, pedestrian, motorcyclist, and bicyclist are all now higher than 2021 year to date totals.
High visibility enforcement is successful because of the support media provides. Our goal is always for people to hear about it through media and learn what they might not know is their responsibility or be reminded of their responsibility.
As a reminder for both drivers and pedestrians:
- Drivers may not turn right or left when there is a pedestrian in any of the lanes of travel in the direction they are turning.
- Drivers may not pass a stopped or slowing vehicle at an intersection, marked mid-block crosswalk or on a green
signal, until they have determined why the other vehicles are not moving.
- Drivers must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk on the half of the road they are traveling on until the person walking is on the sidewalk or past the centerline.
- When the pedestrian is a crossing guard, drivers must yield both sides of the road until the guard in on the sidewalk.
- In an active school zone or crossing zone, it is unlawful to pass another vehicle, no matter the speed of the slowest driver.
- After dark, drivers need to keenly focus on the road, especially if traveling 40 mph or more, your headlights cannot keep up with your speed.
Law Enforcement also reminds those on foot:
- Light yourself up from dusk through dawn, drivers cannot see you!!
- Always make eye contact with drivers before stepping in front of them, to assure they see you.
- Cross only at intersections or marked mid-block crosswalks
- At 40 mph, most drivers will not be able to stop for the length of a football field!
- Your life is worth the extra time to make the safest move to cross the street.
- In the daytime dark clothes blend in with the pavement from a distance, so wear bright clothes during the day, or white, for contrast. The older the eyes, the more contrast needed.
- Half the people struck by a car at 35 mph will not survive.